Reluctantly flocking into Netflix 23 years after the original “Chicken Run,” Sam Fell’s animated sequel “Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget” is something sadder than the worst movie of 2023. It is the year’s most disappointing.
Why? For starters, we expect a lot from Aardman Animation, the indisputable wizards and paramours of stop motion that made the world fall in love with the adventures of “Wallace & Gromit”—the middle-class English gentleman and his wisely eye-rolling dog—and “Shaun the Sheep,” and created the freedom-hungry chickens of the predecessor of this stale entry.
Unfortunately, there is nothing that lands as original or funny in “Dawn of the Nugget,” which feels spared of the wit, genuine laughs and droll vocabulary (remember nellypodging?) of the first movie.
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